"National Migration Week" - Another Catholic Attack on the USA
The US Catholic Church's annual campaign advocating unlimited illegal immigration is set to begin this Jan 8-14. They call it "National Migration Week."
For this event, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is offering prayer cards, booklets, posters, and other "resources" to churches throughout America – FOR SALE, of course! (You didn't think they'd give this stuff away free, did you?)
The theme for this year's campaign is "Journey to Justice."
The bishops' migration chairman, Bishop Gerald Barnes, writes:
"The theme for 2006 is Journey to Justice, a journey which each of us is called to make in solidarity with migrants, immigrants, refugees, human trafficking victims, and other people on the move seeking JUSTICE AND PEACE (emphasis mine)."
However, Bishop Barnes hoists himself on his own petard by saying people from an area run by the Catholic Church for the last 500 years – Latin America – are "seeking JUSTICE AND PEACE." Does he mean they DON'T have it in Latin America?
500 years of Catholicism has made Latin America what it is today. And now Rome wants to dump all the poverty, disease, idolatry, and corruption they created on the USA! This is the REAL REASON Rome supports unlimited illegal immigration.
Don't look for El Presidente Jorge Arbusto, excuse me, President George Bush, to do anything about this. The attitude of Bush and his globalist gang was summed up in a Dec 27 TV interview given by the former Bush advisor on Hispanic education, Leslie Sanchez, who said:
"If you want to stop and curb the flow of immigrants, you've got to look at Mexico and these Latin American countries. What are we doing to curb poverty and unemployment there?"
This is the typical globalist (and Catholic) answer, when asked about illegal immigration: For the USA to protect itself – it has to go help the economies of Latin America?? This is how Bush and his globalist elite think – and it ought to frighten Americans!!
Americans need to be praying daily about illegal immigration, and that Christ guard the USA from Roman corruption. A prayer for protection from globalists like George "World" Bush might also be in order.
For this event, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is offering prayer cards, booklets, posters, and other "resources" to churches throughout America – FOR SALE, of course! (You didn't think they'd give this stuff away free, did you?)
The theme for this year's campaign is "Journey to Justice."
The bishops' migration chairman, Bishop Gerald Barnes, writes:
"The theme for 2006 is Journey to Justice, a journey which each of us is called to make in solidarity with migrants, immigrants, refugees, human trafficking victims, and other people on the move seeking JUSTICE AND PEACE (emphasis mine)."
However, Bishop Barnes hoists himself on his own petard by saying people from an area run by the Catholic Church for the last 500 years – Latin America – are "seeking JUSTICE AND PEACE." Does he mean they DON'T have it in Latin America?
500 years of Catholicism has made Latin America what it is today. And now Rome wants to dump all the poverty, disease, idolatry, and corruption they created on the USA! This is the REAL REASON Rome supports unlimited illegal immigration.
Don't look for El Presidente Jorge Arbusto, excuse me, President George Bush, to do anything about this. The attitude of Bush and his globalist gang was summed up in a Dec 27 TV interview given by the former Bush advisor on Hispanic education, Leslie Sanchez, who said:
"If you want to stop and curb the flow of immigrants, you've got to look at Mexico and these Latin American countries. What are we doing to curb poverty and unemployment there?"
This is the typical globalist (and Catholic) answer, when asked about illegal immigration: For the USA to protect itself – it has to go help the economies of Latin America?? This is how Bush and his globalist elite think – and it ought to frighten Americans!!
Americans need to be praying daily about illegal immigration, and that Christ guard the USA from Roman corruption. A prayer for protection from globalists like George "World" Bush might also be in order.