Friday, March 17, 2006

The "jesus" of Rome - Again Bowing to the Will of Catholic Bishops

March 17, St Patrick's Day, falls on a Friday this "Lenten" season.

The bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio has granted a special "dispensation" so that it's NOT a sin to eat meat on March 17.

Immediately to the east, the bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has not granted such a "dispensation," so in Pittsburgh it IS a sin to eat meat on March 17.

Comment – No wonder so many people are Catholic! It must be fun to have a "jesus" who bows to the whims of whatever your local bishop says.

However, the real Jesus Christ of the bible is not the "jesus" of the Catholic Church. Hebrews 13:8 says:

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever."

I pray the Spirit of God shows Catholics that their bishops are frauds. May Catholics confess Catholicism as sin, forsake the Roman Church forever, and receive the real Jesus Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins – no "Lenten regulations" needed!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Roman "Wine-god" Guidelines

When a religion (like Roman Catholicism) claims it can command Jesus to turn Himself into wine, certain rules have to be made up. Such an example was seen in the March 7 Zenit News Agency article titled, "Reserving the Precious Blood And More on General Absolution."

Rome teaches that Jesus is received in the mouth – via wafer or wine. But what if someone is not able to take anything by mouth? To quote from the article:

"In the 1960's the Holy Office even granted permission to take the Precious Blood ('consecrated' wine) through a stomach tube...He (priest) may bring it in a sealed vessel and pour it into a chalice for administration."

Such "doctrine" can only arouse further questions:

1. Does Jesus really come into people's lives by a stomach tube??

2. Before the 1960's, the "Holy Office" did not allow the Catholic "jesus" to go into stomach tubes. But after the 1960's, the "Holy Office" told "jesus" it was okay for him to go through such tubes. What kind of "jesus" do Catholics worship?

3. After "jesus" is poured into "a chalice for administration" at the hospital – is the feeding tube run directly from the chalice? Or, is "jesus" then put in one of those clear plastic bags that most feeding tubes drain from?

This once again demonstrates the absolute absurdity of the notion that Jesus turns Himself into wine (or wafers) at the command of a Catholic priest.

The worship of the "Eucharist" is idolatry. To repent of this sin, any Catholic MUST forsake the Roman Church forever, and receive the REAL Jesus Christ of the bible by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins – no wafer, wine, or Catholic priest needed!