Saturday, September 23, 2006

Catholic Church Now Making Children "Safer??"

The Catholic Church is now taking credit for the more stringent standards organizations are taking to prevent child abuse!! This was reported in a Catholic News Service Sept 18 article titled, "Sex Abuse Expert Says Church Raised Abuse Prevention Bar for Everyone."

Comment – The Catholic Church knows no shame! It would be funny, except for the tens of thousands of childrens lives shattered by lecherous Catholic priests.

The article said:

"When the US Bishops issued their 'Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People' in June 2002, the 'industry standards' for child protection changed."

Comment – "US Bishops." These were the guys covering up for the pervert priests all through the years, and now Rome would have us believe that "US Bishops" are leading the way in preventing child abuse!

Trying to sound authoritative, the article went on:

"60% of child sexual abuse is at the hands of an acquaintance who is not a family member – a teacher, baby sitter, minister, neighbor, schoolmate, or adult volunteer working with youths."

Hmmmm......something's missing. Let's play "fill in the blank." Question – Which well-known child molesting profession was CONVENIENTLY OMITTED in the above Catholic statement?


(Answer at bottom)

If the Catholic Church is going to take credit for "raising the bar" about sex abuse prevention, then the Nazi Party ought to start taking credit for the re-establishment of Israel in the land.

Please pray that Christ continues to protect children from – the Roman Catholic priesthood.

(Answer – Roman Catholic priest)

Monday, September 11, 2006

Heep Big Trouble

The Catholic Church is taking Wiccan and American Indian spiritualism into the Rapid City, South Dakota women's jail. This was reported in the Sept 7 Catholic News Service, in an article titled, "Lakota Volunteers Bring Native Prayer to Jailed Women."

The St Isaac Jogues Catholic Church has a jail outreach to what are called "Lakota Catholics." (Ed note – the "Lakota" were called "Sioux" before political correctness crept in.)

In a one hour session each week, people from St Isaac Jogues lead the inmates in either a "talking circle" or a "prayer tie."

Talking Circle – People form a circle, and then one person holding a stick, stone or feather is allowed to talk without interruption. This object is supposed to "absorb" all the words spoken in the circle. Wiccans and American Indians use this technique.

Prayer Tie – Various tied colored cloths are placed in a circle around a group of people. As people tie the cloths, they are supposed to keep their (as an American Indian website says) "attention focused on connecting with the Creator." The prayer tie colors also have meanings that should be meditated upon:

Yellow – Rebirthing, sunrise, and the yellow sacred eagle.

Peach – The old ancient ones.

Blue – Father Sky, thunder beings, and healing energy.

This kind of stuff is wickedness!! Some people claim Roman Catholicism is Christianity. Some people are wrong!

May God by His grace show these poor souls in the Rapid City jail that the only WAY of "connecting with the Creator" is by confessing Catholicism as sin, and receiving Jesus Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins – no sticks, stones, feathers, cloths, and – no Catholic Church needed!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Illegal Immigration Day, excuse me, "Labor Day" in the USA

Sept 4 is Labor Day in America. Once again, as in the past several years, the Catholic Church is NOT using this day to celebrate America labor – but – is using it to promote illegal immigration. This was seen in a US Conference of Catholic Bishops letter titled, "A Labor Day Reflection on Immigration and Work," authored by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.

This letter is full of the usual Catholic clap-trap about illegal immigration, such as:

1. "They come...because US employers need their labor and our economy depends on them."

Comment – "Our economy" does NOT depend on illegal immigration. The USA did quite fine before millions of illegals starting pouring over our borders.

2. "Catholic teaching supports the right of workers to decent and fair wages, health care, and time off."

Two comments on this so-called "Catholic teaching:"

A. The Catholic Church had 500 years to support the "right of workers" in Latin America. Question - Why didn't they?

B. Bishop DiMarzio points to his grandparents from Italy being immigrants to America. The Catholic Church had 1700 years to support the "right of workers" in Italy. Question - Why didn't they?

Answer – Because history shows through the centuries that the Catholic Church does not care about the working man.

When Rome was at the height of its power in the Middle Ages – the working man was a "serf." This ought to give you an idea of what Catholicism REALLY WANTS for the working man.

And – here are a few other facts that Bishop DiMarzio CONVENIENTLY NEGELECTED to mention:

1. US real median income for households under age 65 is down 5.4% since 2000.

2. Adjusted for inflation, US men's earnings were lower in 2005 than they were in 1973.

3. Adjusted for inflation, US entry-level wages for high school and college graduates were down 4% between 2001 and 2005.

The Catholic Church NEVER talks about the effects of illegal immigration driving down wages in the USA.

What does Rome want for America? A Mexicanized country where wages are on par with those in Latin America. If the Catholic Church has its way – Americans better get used to eating rice and beans.

Please pray daily that God protect the USA from – illegal immigration and – the Roman Catholic Church.