Wednesday, January 26, 2005

"Jesus" is Stolen - Rome Offers $500 Reward for His Return

A Roman Catholic Church in Detroit, Michigan is offering a $500 reward for the return of "Jesus" (in the Catholic "wafer" form) along with the stolen "tabernacle" he was locked in. This was reported in a Jan 19 'Detroit Free Press' article titled, "Sacred Hosts Taken in Theft."

The article said:

1. "Police officers who are parishioners have been checking pawn shops...but they don't think a pawn shop would touch it."

Comment – "Jesus" in a pawn shop? I wonder what the pawn shop could get per wafer?

2. "A used tabernacle could be worth $500 to $5,000, depending on its ornateness and condition. But the only buyers likely would be other Catholic churches."

Comment – At $500, it appears that Rome is low-balling the reward money! But then, Rome has always loved money more than Christ.

The priest of the church said he and his parishioners are worried about what's happened to "Jesus":

"For us, the most important thing is the Blessed Sacrament was still inside. It was just a grief, a terrible sadness that the sacrament had been taken and worrying about where it was and what happened to it."

This is not the first time "Jesus" has been stolen in Detroit:

"In 1983, a trail of communion wafers led Detroit police to arrests in the burglary of St. Andrew Catholic Church on Detroit's west side. As the pair of thieves carted off the church's tabernacle, they neglected to notice the communion wafers falling out. The hosts led right to the front door of one suspect."

It appears this newest theft of the Catholic "god" will not be so easily solved!

Question - What is Roman Catholicism? Answer – A man-made religion where its "god," worth $500 including tabernacle, can be stolen!

May God give many Catholics the grace to see that the real Jesus of the bible is NOT found in pawn shops, wafers, or Catholic churches. Christ is presently at the right hand of the Father, and He's ready to forgive anyone who will confess the sin of being a Catholic, forsake Romanism forever, and receive Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

An Antichrist Teaches on "Antichrist"

When asked what "antichrist" means – the Roman Church has to point everywhere – except it's priests, of course! Such an example was seen in the Dec 31 issue of the 'Pittsburgh Catholic,' in an article by 'Father' Charles Bober titled, "Modern 'Antichrist' Ignores Teachings of Christ."

Like any 'good' Catholic teacher, 'Father' Bober doesn't give his readers the FULL story on what "antichrist" can mean! In his article, he NEVER mentions that "antichrist" in the original Greek can have a meaning of, "instead of Christ," "in place of Christ," or "in addition to Christ." After all, this hits a little TOO CLOSE to home for what the pope calls himself – the 'vicar of Christ,' which means "in place of Christ." Or, that the Catholic Church calls each priest an 'alter Christus,' which means "another Christ."

Catholic priests can merrily make up whatever "truth" they want because they know the "laity" won't check the bible on what they write – let alone their using a concordance to see what the original Hebrew or Greek meanings were!

So, Bober set up a phony trail designed to divert attention away from "antichrist" having anything to do with the Roman priesthood. Bober's "logic" was: Any sin puts us in opposition to Christ, and since being "antichrist" is opposition to Christ, therefore all of us can be antichrists!

He wrote:

1. "The Antichrist is anyone who opposes the teaching of Christ."

2. "Each of us has the capacity to be an Antichrist by the way we speak or live."

3. "The real meaning of Antichrist might best be found not in the past or in some distant future but in a careful examination of the way each of us follows the teachings of Christ."

4. "The true Antichrists are in our midst and in our own lives."

This is a masterpiece of Catholic deception!! Hiding the fact that HE, 'Father' Bober and his fellow priests are the real antichrists, he instead dumps the guilt for being "antichrist" onto the "laity!" Will the Catholic preparing for confession now have to ask himself, "Have I been an antichrist since my last confession?" What wicked, Satanic brilliance this is on the part of 'Father' Bober!

Pray daily that the Holy Spirit would show many Catholics that the "true Antichrists" in their midst are - Roman Catholic priests – like 'Father' Charles Bober!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

The Catholic Church teaches that its bishops are "successors to the apostles." The 'Catechism of the Catholic Church,' paragraph 862 goes even further and says of the bishops that:

"Whosoever listens to them (bishops) is listening to Christ." see what "Christ" is supposedly saying these days, let's take a look at a Dec 17 article titled, "Analyzing Rudolph," by Bishop Thomas Tobin of the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, in the diocesan newspaper, 'The Catholic Exponent.'

Tobin took the song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," and drew spiritual lessons from it. I’m not kidding! Read the following quotes from the article and ask yourself, "Is Christ really teaching this???"

1. "Throughout your life you've probably been working under the unfortunate misconception that "Rudolph" is nothing more than a cute little Christmas song for children. However, a careful in-depth analysis has revealed that this little ditty is in fact a powerful parable, filled with poignant, if obscure, psychological, sociological and theological themes."

Comment – I have to be honest, I have never considered the "theological themes" of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." What will be next - an exegetical study of "Jingle Bells?"

2. "Because Rudolph was different, with a 'red, very shiny nose,' he was an outcast relegated to the margins of society and rejected by his own peer group...One can only wonder what this did for poor Rudolph's psyche and self-esteem. How many nights did he cry himself to sleep, his tears freezing to his pillow in the frigid North Pole air? How many sessions of intense psychotherapy did Rudolph need before he was able to climb out of the depths of his emotional abyss?"

Comment – These are teachings of Christ???

3. "The song affirms the value of strong and wise leadership. It was Santa who intervened in the reindeer squabble and saved the day, recognizing that what some saw as a liability could be turned into an asset...No wonder Santa emerged as the 'Alpha male' of the pack. His ability to effectively use limited resources and build a diverse and cynical herd into an efficient team is to be recognized and applauded."

Comment – Does this mean the pope is the "Alpha male" of the Roman priesthood?

It's very clear that Jesus Christ is NOT teaching through Catholic bishops. But – the spirit of antichrist is!

What is a Roman Catholic? It's a person who has rejected the REAL Jesus Christ of the bible, and has instead set up a system of other "christs" – the Roman priesthood.

How dead in sin is the Roman Catholic? He actually prefers stories about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, instead of the truth of the bible!

Please pray that the REAL Jesus Christ continues to save people out of – the Roman Catholic Church.