Friday, January 27, 2006

Need a Laugh??

Read the following Catholic headline:

"Church has Led Way in Dealing With Sex Abuse Issue."

Now that you've stopped laughing......yes indeed, this WAS the ludicrous title to an article in the Jan 13 issue of the Pittsburgh Catholic, the newspaper of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The article tries to make the case that:

"The Catholic Church has done more perhaps than any other entity in this state and in this country in the previous 20 years to address the tragedy of sexual abuse."

Comment – This really shows the warped state of the Catholic mind. How many thousands upon thousands of children were sexually abused by priests? And the Pittsburgh Diocese dares to puff out their chest and make a boast like this!

Another comment – Maybe the Catholic Church has had to do more "in the previous 20 years to address the tragedy of sexual abuse" because the Catholic Church has sexually abused more children than "any other entity."

The article has too many lies to list. One particular lie named supposed "principles" established in 1992 by US Catholic bishops. One "principle" was to:

"Comply with the obligations of civil law as regards reporting of the incident and cooperating with the investigation."

Comment – Has Rome complied and cooperated "with the obligations of civil law" in all these sex abuse cases? Of course not!! They've fought it tooth and nail!

The article rightly reports that actual incidents of sex abuse have dropped since the early 1990's.

BUT, as is ALWAYS the case with the Catholic Church, they never give you the FULL STORY. The article CONVENIENTLY NEGLECTS to mention that in the 1990-1992 time frame many cases of Catholic sex abuse were reported in the media, and Catholic actions taken against sex abuse in the early 1990's was not because they love children, but because of media reports back then!

May God comfort those attacked by Catholic priests. May many Catholics see the horrible and corrupt nature of their church, repent of the sin of Catholicism, and receive Christ by faith ALONE for the full and free forgiveness of sins – NO Roman priest needed!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Making Excuses for Gangs

The growth of Latin American gangs in the USA is an embarrassment to those who advocate unlimited illegal immigration – such as the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore, Rome has to explain away and make excuses for these murderous thugs. Such an example was seen in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio newspaper, The Catholic Telegraph, in a Jan 13 article titled, "Seeking Justice at the Highest Level in El Salvador."

The "MS-13" gang (which began in El Salvador) is a particularly brutal gang, with 10,000 members in the USA operating in 33 states. They are highly organized and into drugs, theft, and murder. MS-13 also has 50,000 members in Mexico and Central America.

In typical bleeding heart fashion that liberals like the Clinton's or Kennedy's could appreciate, the article makes excuses for these gangs:

"Why are the gangs so violent? Because it's practically the same treatment that they have received. Violence from their parents. Violence from the government. Violence in their lack of human rights. They usually will return that violence. They are violent to themselves. They are the first victims of their own violence, drugs and abuse. They violate their own bodies with all these tattoos. They've never understood that they are important people who have rights."

Ohhhhhh......I get's the PARENT'S and GOVERNMENT'S fault!

Interestingly, the article made NO MENTION of the religion in El Salvador for the past 500 years – ROMAN CATHOLICISM!

Also, according to CNN on Jan 11:

"The Department of Homeland Security is warning border patrol agents that Mexican illegal alien smugglers plan to hire members of the violent...MS-13 Gang to assassinate them."

"The alien smugglers intend to smuggle MS-13 gang members into the United States for the sole purpose of killing border patrol agents."

All the while, President George Bush continues to dodge the issue of illegal immigration. Bush's latest line is that illegal immigration is like Prohibition was, so maybe the USA should just not bother defending its borders!! Bush said in Louisville on Jan 11:

"It also makes sense to take pressure off the border by giving people a legal means on a temporary basis to come here, so they don't have to sneak across. Now, some of you all may be old enough to remember the days of Prohibition. I'm not. But remember, we illegalized whiskey, and guess what? People found all kind of ways to make it and to run it."

Question – How can the Bush policy of defending the US border with Mexico be best summed up?

Answer – "Cut and run." "Retreat and defeat." Sounds familiar!

May God protect the USA from this Catholic invasion, and from Rome's Amigo in the White House – George W. Bush.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Truth About Rome Sooner or Later Always Comes Out

The Catholic Church is always looking to polish its image. To show what a nice Church Rome is, the Catholic Zenit News Agency, in a Jan 13 article titled, "No Crimes Reported During Interregnum," proudly boasted:

"The Holy See's promoter of justice called it 'exceptional' that there were no reported crimes in the Vatican in the days (April 2 – April 24) between Pope John Paul II's death and Benedict XVI's inauguration."

Comment – This is a "Church" that never reported thousands of sex crimes in America! Where was the "Holy See's promoter of justice" then?? Are we supposed to believe them now?

However, the REAL nature of Catholicism came out the next day, Jan 14, in an AP article titled, "Priest Gets 111 Years in Jail for Sex Abuse." It reported:

"A Roman Catholic priest convicted of child molestation was sentenced yesterday to 111 years in prison. The Rev. Paul LeBrun was found guilty in Maricopa County (Arizona) Superior Court of sexually abusing boys when he worked in the Catholic Diocese of Phoenix from 1986 to 1991. LeBrun, 49, has been jailed since 2003."

"He was posted at Little Flower Catholic Church in South Bend, Ind., before being removed from public ministry in 1999."

Question - Why wasn't this pervert "removed from public ministry" in 1991, or 1990, or 1989, etc.?

Answer – Because the Catholic Church does not care about children, only money, power, and its image.

May God continue to protect children from – and expose – the lies and corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Roman Cardinal Prays "In the Name of Allah"

Jordan's King Abdullah II gave a speech last Sept 13 at The Catholic University in Washington, DC. In attendance was Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

Abdullah's speech so moved McCarrick that:

"His (Abdullah's) speech inspired Washington Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick to respond with a reciprocal prayer 'in the name of Allah.'"

This was reported in The Washington Times Jan 9 article titled, "Jordan's King to Speak at US Prayer Breakfast."

Wow! This Catholic Cardinal – a "Prince of the Church" - thinks God accepts prayers "in the name of Allah."

This is yet another example of the blasphemous nature of the Roman Catholic Church and its wicked, filthy priesthood!

Catholic media at the time cleverly did NOT report this. However, this fact inadvertently came out in the Jan 9 Washington Times article.

May the Spirit of God show Catholics and non-Catholics alike that Catholicism is NOT Christianity, but a counterfeit church run by a man-made priesthood. I ask this - "in the name of JESUS."

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Diocese Reorganizes so Pervert Priests Won't Cost as Much in Future

The Tucson, Arizona diocese is reorganizing itself "as part of a $22.2 million settlement between the diocese and people who filed claims as victims of clergy sex abuse against minors." This was reported in the Dec 30 Catholic News Service article titled, "Tucson Diocese Reorganizes Parishes as Part of Bankruptcy Plan."

In trying to avoid paying settlements for the many sex crimes committed by Catholic priests, one legal angle the Catholic Church tried was to claim diocesan bishops had no control over individual parishes. As ex-Catholics know – this is laughable!! Test cases in Spokane, Washington, Portland, Oregon, as well as Tucson have shown federal bankruptcy courts are not buying this Catholic lie.

We thank God our federal judges saw through this attempted Catholic deception.

In response, to protect the assets of the entire diocese from being sued in the future:

"The Tucson diocese is reorganizing each of its 74 parishes into corporations which will be recognized as separate entities from the diocese under Arizona law."

"The plan calls for each parish to be run by a five-member board of directors composed of the pastor as board head, THE BISHOP (emphasis mine), the diocesan moderator of the curia, a lay treasurer and a lay secretary."

Comment – This also is laughable – and very transparent. Technically, "THE BISHOP" will be on the board of 74 different churches! (I wonder how many board meetings he'll make?) We can all rest assured the other members of each of the 74 church boards will be hand-picked minions, ready to do the bishop's bidding.

No matter what legal avenues Rome pursues, may God continue to expose the Catholic Church and its priesthood for what they are – antichrist!