Saturday, February 25, 2006

Publishing the Names of Child Molesters -- As Long as They're NOT Catholic Priests!

The Colorado Catholic Conference just published a list of 85 people charged with sex abuse offenses in the past decade.'s a list of PUBLIC school employees! This was reported in the Denver Post Feb 15 issue, in an article titled, "Deflections Make Church Look Worse."

Rome is again trying to deflect attention away from the perverts in its priesthood. After all, if the Catholic Church was REALLY concerned about children, you'd think they'd publish a list of Catholic priests who are sex offenders! (Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.)

This feeble Catholic attempt inadvertently backfired – because it showed that of the 85, 58 lost their licenses, and 47 of them plead guilty or were found guilty.

The conviction rate for PRIESTLY sex offenders has not been nearly that high. Why?

1. Because "Momma Church" was always protecting them.

2. Public schools are not in the habit of covering for child molesters by paying out millions of dollars in sex abuse settlements.

One man, who as a boy was sodomized by a Catholic priest who was also his high school principal, said:

"If you (the Catholic Church) can't say it's not true, then you've got to deflect attention to the public schools."

And sadly, "We asked the district attorney to file criminal charges. My perpetrator was never charged."

Question – What career should a child molester consider if he wants to be best protected in his criminal activities?

Answer – He should consider a career in the Roman Catholic priesthood.

May God protect children from – the Roman Catholic priesthood.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Archbishop Plays - and the "Laity" Pays!

Detroit, Michigan Archbishop Adam Maida has dumped an extra $36-40 million of debt on his archdiocese for being the main supporter of the "Pope John Paul II Cultural Center" in Washington, DC, which opened in March 2001. This was reported in a Washington Post Feb 12 article titled, "DC Papal Museum Struggles for Financial Foothold, Focus."

This museum is a 100,000 sq ft facility on a 12 acre campus. Its purpose was to be a place, "where scholars would research Catholicism's role and influence, where religious leaders would gather for interfaith dialogue, where regular people would explore God and spirituality."

The problem is – attendance has only been 16-40% of what was forecast! So the red ink is piling up.

Archbishop Maida was the driving force behind this museum, starting in 1989. It's rather obvious he was using this as a tool to kiss up to Pope John Paul II. And the great thing for the archbishop is – his "flock" gets to pay for it!!

Also – Five years after its opening, there is still NO SCHEDULE for repaying the Detroit archdiocese! The museum director said:

"I think there were presumptions, not per se a plan (for repayment). The matter is under review and the archdiocese remains confident that its investment is secured by the building and the property."

Comment – I wish I could get loan terms like that.

Of course, the archdiocese has been hiding the information on this debt. It was not made public until Feb 2 in a Catholic magazine, the National Catholic Reporter.

Naturally, Detroit area Catholics are upset. Detroit nun Cathey DeSantis, executive director of the Detroit Pastoral Alliance, was quoted in the Feb 2 National Catholic Reporter article titled, "Financially Strapped Archdiocese Subsidizes Troubled Center:"

"The disgrace to me is that we're closing churches in many instances because they can't pay back loans which don't even come close to what the diocese loaned the center. We've been suspecting this for a very long time but we can't get the information (about these bad loans) from the archdiocese for obvious reasons."

Comment – Sorry, Sister DeSantis, but your archbishop really doesn't care about what you and the "laity" have to say.

Maida turned 75 last year, so as required by church law he's already turned in his resignation letter. Maida will have a nice, cushy retirement, while Detroit Catholics foot the bill for his slurping up to the pope.

May God use this to show Catholics the false nature of their church, grant them repentance from Catholicism, and give them faith ALONE in Christ for the full and free forgiveness of sins – no Archbishop Maida, or any Roman priest needed!

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Catholic "Blame America" Crowd

The Catholic "Blame America" crowd was in action this past November, as University of Dayton (Ohio) Catholics joined 19,000 other liberals for the annual protest outside the gates of the "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation" (WHINSEC) at Fort Benning, Georgia. WHINSEC is often called "SOA" for "School of the Americas," its former name.

This was reported in the Jan 27 issue of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio newspaper, The Catholic Telegraph, in an article titled, "Demonstrators Against SOA Feel Called by Faith."

For many years, Latin American nations have sent soldiers to train at WHINSEC. And then later on, some of these soldiers have been used by their governments to quell dissent, and in the 80's in El Salvador, were even accused of killing some priests and an archbishop.

So – are Catholics protesting outside of Latin American embassies, or going down to protest outside of Latin American military bases?

Of course not! It's just another Catholic excuse to "Blame America."

University of Dayton Father Gene Contadino, director of the "University Marianist Outreach" (how's that for a title), commenting on the protest said:

"I think as a Catholic university, you have to say something about peace. You have to say something about brutality...And so I think it's the job of every Catholic person."

Comment – Not surprisingly, Father and the article conveniently FORGOT "to say something about" the RELIGION in Latin America for the past 500 years – Roman Catholicism!

Pray daily that God protect the United States from the constant harassment and attacks of – the Roman Catholic Church.

Friday, February 03, 2006

"Encouragement" For Laid-Off Catholic Workers

With General Motors and Ford Motor announcing combined cutbacks of 60,000 jobs in the USA, the Catholic Church is pretending they "care" about this loss of good-paying jobs. Such an example was seen in the Jan 26 Catholic News Service story titled, "Clergy Wonder How to Deal With Effect of Ford Job Cuts in Their Areas."

The article said:

"As Ford Motor Co. announced its intent to close 14 manufacturing plants and cut up to 30,000 jobs over the next six years, clergy in cities affected by the plant closings wondered how they were going to help their parishioners whose jobs and livelihoods were at risk."

Maybe these priests can "encourage" those affected by reading from the 2004 Labor Day letter put out by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops:

"As a global Church, we believe in building bridges and crossing boundaries in order to share both our needs and our gifts. Arguments that focus simply and exclusively on the likely domestic impact of trade are far too narrow. At the same time, U.S. workers and their families must be able to earn a decent living and, when necessary, adjust to the requirements of job changes and dislocation."

I'm sure this letter from the US bishops would be of great comfort to Catholics as they "adjust" to working two jobs just to make 40% of what they used to!

May the Spirit of God show many American Catholic workers that their church is fully supporting the globalist agenda of taking away good American jobs with the goal of making American wages no better than in the rest of the world. May Catholics repent of the sin of Catholicism and receive Christ by faith ALONE.