Eastern Orthodox Still Leery of Signing on With the Pope
About 200 Catholic and Orthodox theologians and church leaders met June 18-22 at the Catholic University in Washington, D.C., for the fifth annual "Orientale Lumen" (light of the east) conference, devoted to fostering closer ties between western Catholicism and eastern Orthodoxy.
Don't forget, the pope will need the Orthodox in his camp if he is to attain religious hegemony in Europe and beyond.
This year's theme was, "Primacy and Conciliarity: Finding a Common Vision." Of course, the main impediment to a union is the "primacy" of the pope as a sole ruler versus the Orthodox "conciliarity" concept of a college of equal bishops or patriarchs. Looking at the quote below, the pope still has some selling to do.
At this conference, Archbishop Vsevolod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy (diocese) of Chicago said, "The Holy See is judged by no one and there is no appeal or recourse from decisions of the Roman Pontiff...the Orthodox are not able to accept the notion that this particular human individual has an all-powerful right to judge the entire world, purely on his own initiative, and simultaneously enjoys a unique, curious exemption from judgment himself...Since the pope cannot possibly know personally all the men he names, the practical result is bishops are selected by the Roman Curia; nameless, faceless ecclesiastical bureaucrats whom no one call to account because they hide behind the claim that nobody can judge the Roman Pontiff."
I'm sure the Catholic members of this conference (including retired Roman Archbishop John Quinn of San Francisco) let this statement slide because they are courting the Orthodox.
Now, don't get your hopes up - these so-called Orthodox bishops, minus a belief in a pope, teach the same hell-bound sacramental works based system that Rome does - baptismal regeneration, eucharistic idolatry, Mary worship, prayers for the dead, worship of images, auricular confession, and so on.
Archbishop Vsevolod and other Orthodox bishops are not interested in pointing people to faith ALONE in the real Christ any more than the pope is, but in protecting their own little church "systems."
May the Holy Spirit convict Catholics and Orthodox of their sin, and give them the gift of repentance and faith in Christ ALONE. John 1:12 says, "AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, TO THEM HE GAVE THE POWER TO BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME."
Don't forget, the pope will need the Orthodox in his camp if he is to attain religious hegemony in Europe and beyond.
This year's theme was, "Primacy and Conciliarity: Finding a Common Vision." Of course, the main impediment to a union is the "primacy" of the pope as a sole ruler versus the Orthodox "conciliarity" concept of a college of equal bishops or patriarchs. Looking at the quote below, the pope still has some selling to do.
At this conference, Archbishop Vsevolod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Eparchy (diocese) of Chicago said, "The Holy See is judged by no one and there is no appeal or recourse from decisions of the Roman Pontiff...the Orthodox are not able to accept the notion that this particular human individual has an all-powerful right to judge the entire world, purely on his own initiative, and simultaneously enjoys a unique, curious exemption from judgment himself...Since the pope cannot possibly know personally all the men he names, the practical result is bishops are selected by the Roman Curia; nameless, faceless ecclesiastical bureaucrats whom no one call to account because they hide behind the claim that nobody can judge the Roman Pontiff."
I'm sure the Catholic members of this conference (including retired Roman Archbishop John Quinn of San Francisco) let this statement slide because they are courting the Orthodox.
Now, don't get your hopes up - these so-called Orthodox bishops, minus a belief in a pope, teach the same hell-bound sacramental works based system that Rome does - baptismal regeneration, eucharistic idolatry, Mary worship, prayers for the dead, worship of images, auricular confession, and so on.
Archbishop Vsevolod and other Orthodox bishops are not interested in pointing people to faith ALONE in the real Christ any more than the pope is, but in protecting their own little church "systems."
May the Holy Spirit convict Catholics and Orthodox of their sin, and give them the gift of repentance and faith in Christ ALONE. John 1:12 says, "AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, TO THEM HE GAVE THE POWER TO BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME."